Monday, May 24, 2010

Missing you

Dear Mia,

It's been 12 long days since we left Guatemala and said goodbye to you. In these 12 days we've visited many new places and saw many new things, but nothing that compares to just hanging out at home with you. When we think about you, a lot of fun moments come to mind.

We miss the way you hog the couch.

We miss it when you tug on your leash.

We miss it when you hang out on the bed.

We miss going swimming in the river with you.

But most of all we just miss seeing your pretty face everyday!

We hope you have had fun playing with Uncle Carlos & Aunt Britt, Alan & Louise and your new girlfriends at the crazy lady's house in San Cristobal. We know it seems like we've been away forever and we promise you that we'll be back soon, but papi and I still have a couple of more places to see before we come back to you. Don't worry though, we promise that we won't leave you for this long ever again. In the meantime think about all the great memories that we've made and dream up some new ones for our trip home through Mexico. We love you Measy Peasy Pumpkin Pie.

Mami & Papi

1 comment:

  1. awww
    please go home !!!
    she must miss u even more :(
