Whimsical tales from the life of a lovable puppy girl
Friday, November 13, 2009
Going Green
I love grass! A couple of weeks ago mami & papi took me to this amazing park filled with grass and kids! They called it La Florencia. It was so fun. Mami threw down a blanket and she and I played and visited with some kids while papi explored on his bicycle. I don't know if I have ever seen my papi so happy. He sure loves that bicycle. In fact, he gave me a ride on it one day. Mami just about had a heart attack, so I decided I won't let papi do it again. He'll just have to wait until I bigger and can run along side of him.
I did a bit of exploring, but some nearby horses looked pretty intimidating.....
Gypsies at heart, we’ve packed up our Colfax Avenue apartment, left our jobs & said our goodbyes with hopes of making a difference in the lives of many as well as our own. Share in our adventure as we uproot ourselves from the mile high city & road trip through Mexico, on our way to a new home & new way of life in Guatemala. UPDATE: After 2 amazing years of living and loving in Latin America this family of three is learning the art of settling down in Charlotte, NC where we purchased our first fixer home. Stay turned to follow our adventures of a different sort - exploring another totally new culture (the South!) & DIYing the heck out of our home!
Hola! My name is Semilla Maya (Mayan Seed in Spanish), but you can call me Mia. Welcome to my blog about the life of Guatemalan puppy girl living with 2 adventurous Gringo parents in Antigua. With the help of my mami & papi, I'll give you a peek into my life - living, growing and having fun all the while. Thanks for reading! XOXO, Mia
Birthdate:August 17, 2009 Birthplace:Antigua, Guatemala Dog Mami:a sweet, small blond Golden named Beba Dog Mami's age: 5 people years Dog Papi:a loveable, frisky darker Golden named Ceviche Dog Papi's age:1 people year My Litter:10 siblings (3 boys & 7 girls) Caretakers:Ms. Betty, her husband & children Birth order: were not exactly sure, but I was the smallest (or close to it) Birthmarks: I have white spots over both of my eyes (Mami says it is my eyeshadow!)
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